Currently, in manufacturing plants in the industrial field, many stages of continuous movement and high technical requirements are difficult for humans to perform. Therefore, applying technology to minimize property loss at these stages is essential. In addition to other modern technology applications, drag chains are also born with many different forms and structures, suitable for each specific field with movement requirements, in order to protect the system control cables, helping the plant operate stably and efficiently.


In the podcast's first episode, Mr. Bilal Ismail, a partner of drag chains EKD Gelenkrohr GmbH, our subsidiary, will be the special guest of the HELUKABEL Podcast. Mr. Bilal Ismail was born and raised in Singapore with more than 30 years of experience working in the field of drag chains. With a wealth of working experience, Mr. Bilal Ismail will answer questions related to cable chain manufacturing technology, and the benefits, and applications of drag chains in today's industrial fields.

Mr. Bilal Ismail, a partner of the company specializing in the production of drag chains EKD Gelenkrohr GmbH.
Mr. Bilal Ismail, a partner of the company specializing in the production of drag chains EKD Gelenkrohr GmbH.

Most people know that EKD is a German company specializing in supplying cable chains, established in the 1970s. Up to the present time, EKD company is providing traction chains for which fields?

Some people tend to call cable chains or energy chains. They are essentially the same thing, drag chains are made to solve the problems of cable movement, helping to protect cables from the effects of constant movement thanks to a special design.

For example, when you want to move a television up and down quickly, without the support of drag chains, this action will be more difficult and heavier. Similar to other devices containing many optical fibers or control cables, when moving, the cabling must also move and need to be supplied with appropriate propulsion from drag chains. As such, cable chains are applied everywhere and you can easily find them.

For our drag chain products, depending on the market, there will be different strengths for specific applications. For example, in the markets of Europe, America, Korea, India, China, Taiwan, etc., Machine Tool is one of the areas where drag chains are needed. In Vietnam, there will not be many factories producing equipment and machinery, so drag chain application for this field is not common. However, Vietnam has developed the iron, steel, and cement industry and has container terminals, so we will mainly supply drag chains for this area.

EKD’s drag chains have been well-known on the market for decades, I think what contributes to your success is the quality. Then, what are the outstanding differences between EKD's drag chains and other products?

The drag chains at EKD are known for their customizability for specific applications. Any field from the light industry to heavy industries such as iron and steel to the manufacture of tools, machines, and drag chain products can be met. In particular, recently, we have just implemented a project for Tesla (an American company specializing in the design, manufacture, and distribution of electric car products and components for electric vehicles). This shows that our drag chains guarantee high reliability and fully meet quality standards for many projects in all fields.

How will the composition of drag chains (custom drag chains) usually change to suit specific applications?

Each sector will have different requirements for the construction of drag chains, for example, for drag chains made of plastic, most of the plastic parts are molded and limited in height but when you use steel material, you can cut the bars to the exact size and are not as dependent on the plastic material that needs to be prefabricated.

In addition, another unique feature of drag chains from EKD is that the drag chain has a plastic link, with a built-in eyelet for you to attach the chain inside. Besides, when your field requires the use of cable chains, steel and aluminum materials often have the flexibility to fabricate according to customer requirements and depend on the application environment.

>>See more: Drag chains made of plastic - are they really good?

In your opinion, what specific benefits do drag chains bring to industrial sectors?

Drag chains are likened to the human spine, when you want your body parts to work properly and efficiently, you need to make sure the spine is healthy. If a vertebra in the spine is not strong, all movement will stop and errors will occur immediately. Therefore, drag chains are designed to ensure that the movement of the entire system takes place correctly, limit unwanted errors, protect the cable system, and help the factory system smooth operation.

>>Find out more: Industrial applications of drag chains

For drag chains, I believe cables play a fundamental role in the operation. With the strong and fast pulling power of the drag chain, in your opinion, what technical requirements do control cables need to meet?

One of the most basic requirements for ropes used in drag chains is to be able to withstand strong and fast pulling forces. Because the control cable usually has to be in the pull chain with a bend radius, if the cable cannot move flexibly and flexibly enough, the cable can be damaged and cause serious damage to the whole plant.

In conclusion, cables in drag chains are also considered one of the important factors contributing to the efficient operation of the system. In the future, EKD's drag chains will continue to be researched and improved to produce quality products, serving many different fields. When choosing EKD drag chains, you will get optimal warranty policies, besides ensuring quality criteria, when customers encounter problems during operation, we are always ready to help and solve them quickly.

We, HELUKABEL Vietnam would like to thank Mr. Bilal Ismail for taking the time to participate in our podcast. Wishing you much health and success!

>>See more: Discover HELUKABEL's cables and accessories for various industries
